Not usual CSP bypass case

Karol Mazurek
5 min readDec 12, 2022

CSP default-src ‘self’ — bypass using the error page.


During one of the penetration tests, I managed to chain three application issues that finally enabled the execution of the Stored XSS vulnerability.

The vulnerability combines three flaws in the application:

  1. Unrestricted file upload.
  2. Misconfigured Content Security Policy.
  3. Application error response body controlled by the user.


The application allows users to upload images, and there is a whitelist of extensions that can be uploaded (.png | .jpg). All uploaded files are stored in the web-root folder of the server. For instance:


The first issue is that it is possible to specify the uploaded file's content type, even if the extension in the request is (.png | .jpg).

The trick is to use a part of a JPG file at the bottom of the content:

ÿØÿàJFIFÿáVExifMM*>F(ÿâ°ICC_PROFILE lcms0mntrRGB XYZ

One thing to keep in mind, that casually the SVG file content starts with:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>…

