AppSec Tales I | Sign-up

Karol Mazurek
10 min readApr 5, 2022

Application Security Testing of the Register form guidelines.


This is the first article in the AppSec series that describes how to test Registration forms to ensure a secure authentication process.
The advice in this article is based on the following:

  • OWASP Web Security Testing Guide
  • OWASP Application Security Verification Standard
  • NIST recommendations
  • bug bounty reports
  • Own experience.

I will provide a short test sample, a potential impact or an attack scenario, and a possible solution to the problem at each point.



Register twice using the same data but changing the sign-up component.

  • The victim’s account could be hijacked if the application allows resetting the password based on one of the sign-up components.
    (Example of hijacking based on the username)
  • The attacker may impersonate the victim by using his data from another account.
  • The victim’s data can be removed entirely from the database or replaced with new ones entered by the attacker.

